Special Session to Impact Economic Security

Here’s the quick version—a Special Session focused on taxes is coming and it will impact your economic security.

I know you don’t usually hear from us on tax policy, but Governor Pillen’s current plan will undermine our work on economic security and devastate Nebraska families by dramatically increasing taxes on everyday goods and services while implementing huge cuts to state agencies that provide critical services like childcare subsidies and SNAP. With a looming start to a Special Session on Thursday, July 25, it’s critical that we all do our part to stop efforts that make it harder for families to afford their everyday needs.

We spend a lot of time at the Nebraska Legislature advocating for issues that impact the economic security of women and their families. Instead of supporting these efforts for growth and security, the Governor’s current plan will only exacerbate disparities that exist.

Women head 25% of households in Nebraska and do so while struggling under a gender wage gap that continues to grow in our state. They are evicted at a higher rate than men, a problem made worse year over year by our growing affordable housing crisis, and yet there is no plan to provide relief for renters. Also concerning is the inclusion of a 7.5% tax on vague and undefined “family planning services,” which could mean birth control prescriptions, IVF services, menstrual products or any number of things related to critical reproductive health care.

New taxes on families will make it difficult for working Nebraskans to make ends meet and pay their monthly bills.

Here are a few examples from the Governor’s current plan:

  • Up to 7.5% increased tax on most motor vehicle repair services in an economy where 66.2% of families can’t afford a financial emergency and which could mean you can’t get to work if your car breaks down.
  • Up to 7.5% increased tax on every contractor you need to build or fix a house puts safe, stable and affordable housing in our communities further out of reach.
  • Up to 7.5% increased tax on memberships and admissions to organizations like the YMCA dedicated to “youth development and healthy living” means our kids miss out on essential development opportunities like youth sports and activities.
  • Up to 7.5% increased tax on service jobs and small businesses staffed and run mainly by women—hair care, nails, massage—means less customers, lost income and decreased employment opportunities.
  • A significant tax increase on broadly defined “soda” and “candy” disproportionately impacts low-income families living in food apartheids and does nothing to address the underlying issue of food insecurity in our communities.
  • Up to 7.5% increased tax on taxi services might not seem like a big deal, but those services are a critical component of helping people experiencing domestic and sexual violence get to safety.

These are just a few of the more than 120+ new taxes included in the Governor’s proposal that shifts financial burden to middle- and low-income families while providing tax breaks to those who can most afford it in our state. I encourage you to look at the full list to determine how these new taxes would impact you and your family’s financial security.

What can you do? You can and should contact your State Senator ahead of the Special Session and ask them to oppose the Governor’s plan. Smart policies for all Nebraskans does not include taxing families, especially those who can least afford it.

You can attend local listening sessions hosted by a bipartisan group of Omaha and Lincoln Senators to make your voice heard.

  • Omaha Listening Session:
    • Sunday, July 21 from 1 – 3 pm
    • Thompson Alumni Center (6705 Dodge St.)
  • Lincoln Listening Session:
    • Monday, July 22 from 5 – 7 pm
    • Wick Alumni Center (1520 R St.)

If you can’t make it to either, an online feedback form has been provided.

TL;DR? We don’t often talk about taxes but when it could impact the financial health and wellbeing of women and families across the state, it’s time to join the conversation. The outcome of this Special Session could add to the economic insecurity of Nebraskans for generations, making it difficult for people to afford basic needs and services as well as safe and secure housing. Now is the time to contact your senator and ask them to oppose the Governor’s plan to increase taxes on Nebraska families.