Every minute we wait to provide life-saving health education in Nebraska, the greater the opportunity for more harm to happen to our young people.
LB 768, introduced in the Nebraska Legislature, would keep effective health education from young people by removing comprehensive sexual health literacy from public school health education. When students aren’t getting complete and honest information at home or school, their health and well-being suffers. This is devastating considering we are still in a public health pandemic that is impacting all Nebraskans, including young people. Additionally, the mental health of young people continues to be greatly impacted for multiple reasons, including the harmful rhetoric on this very topic. Child sexual abuse and college sexual assaults are negatively impacting our communities and campuses; and without basic information about health, safety and media literacy, young people will turn to the internet, porn and their peers.
Young people in Nebraska deserve better. They deserve a comprehensive education, including about their health. Submit an online comment today to oppose LB 768.
- Submit Your Online Comment as an Opponent by noon on February 14
- How to Submit Online Comments
- LB 768 Talking Points
- A comprehensive health education curriculum is recommended by the CDC as the gold standard.
- Health education, including sex education, is only effective if it is complete, honest and inclusive.
- Comprehensive sex education delays the age of first sex, reduces unprotected sex and reduces unintended pregnancy.
- Major medical and school-based student support organizations agree that comprehensive and inclusive health education provides the necessary tools for young people to make informed decisions regarding their sexual well-being, develop healthy identities and advocate for themselves when facing gender-based violence.
- Read more about the benefits of effective and complete health education.
We oppose LB 768 which would prohibit the State Board of Education from adopting standards on comprehensive health education. Submit a comment today as an opponent and then contact your senator to oppose this bill.