Legislative Update:
March 25

Coming to you a day earlier this week because there are some important action steps we wanted to share with you to take TODAY.

ACTION: Oppose AM 545 to LB 415 

Nebraska’s economy should reward hard work, not punish people for getting sick. That’s why 75% of voters supported paid sick leave on the ballot in November. An amendment, AM 545 (originally LB 698), is pending on LB 415. It would carve out exemptions for certain workers, including any business with 10 or fewer employees, seasonal ag workers and those under 16 years old. This amendment also removes important protections for workers who face retaliation from their employers for using earned paid sick leave.

No matter how you look at the numbers, voters overwhelmingly support allowing hardworking Nebraskans the ability to earn and use paid sick leave. Contact your senator now to oppose AM 545 on LB 415

ACTION: Oppose LB 258 

Like the previous action item, LB 258 would also overturn the will of voters by creating a sub-minimum wage for workers under 20. A youth minimum wage particularly harms young workers in low-income households whose earnings are critical in helping their families make ends meet as well as students who are working hard to save for furthering their education.

A ballot initiative that garners nearly 60% of the vote is a clear indicator of where Nebraskans stand on an issue. When working people earn fair pay for a hard day’s work, they spend in their community and at local businesses. Tell senators to keep the will of the voters and oppose LB 258 now.

Additional updates:

  • LB 78, introduced by Senator Elliot Bostar and prioritized by State-Tribal Relations Committee, successfully passed first round with 43 votes is now on Select File. This bill would provide necessary funding to create a Domestic Violence and Trafficking Victim Housing Assistance Fund. During the first-round debate, an amendment, AM737, was successfully filed on this bill (originally LB 159 introduced by Sen. Dunixi Guereca) that would consider victim status in sentencing.

Committee hearings are wrapping up this week and full days of floor debate at the Nebraska Legislature will begin next Monday, March 31. What does that mean? Check out our latest video on Instagram.

Thank you for taking action to protect and advance gender equity. If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Erin Feichtinger, Policy Director, via email.