Thursday, October 28
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
In Person + Virtual Options!
We’re so excited to announce activist, author and founder of the ‘me too.’ Movement Tarana Burke as our featured keynote speaker at this year’s Lead the Change annual celebration on October 28.
We’ll be back in person (with limited seating and safety precautions in place) to welcome Tarana on stage to share her powerful and poignant story as a creator of what is now an international movement that supports and centers survivors. Her story will move, uplift and inspire you. Get your ticket today!
A sexual assault survivor herself, Tarana is now Executive Director of the ‘me too.’ organization. The simple yet courageous #metoo hashtag campaign has generated more than 13 million social media posts, emerging as a rallying cry for people everywhere who have survived sexual assault and sexual harassment.
#metoo is not just an overnight hashtag sensation; Tarana has dedicated more than 25 years of her life to social justice and laying the groundwork for a movement that was initially created to help young women of color who survived sexual abuse and assault. The movement now inspires solidarity, amplifies the voices thousands of victims of sexual abuse, and puts the focus back on survivors.
During the Lead the Change annual celebration, we will celebrate our recent 30th anniversary and recognize local nonprofits with grants to support programs that make a positive impact on the lives of women and girls. Virtual tickets and event sponsorships are available.